
Showing posts from February, 2021

Why everyone should have Apple Cider Vinegar ?|Apple Cider Vinegar hacks|5 amazing secrets of apple cider vinegar|

  Did you know the super magical benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar? Contents: 1. What is Apple Cider Vinegar 2. 5 unbelievable hacks of ACV 3. How to use ACV for the hacks 5. FAQS What is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is generated from crushed apples and transformed into fermented juice. It contains alot of vitamins and minerals which are beneficial in various ways. ACV contains acetic and citric acid. 5 unbelievable hacks of ACV: 1. Improves digestion: Apple Cider Vinegar contain dietary fibers, good minerals and vitamins too. It helps to overcome gas and bloating. Though it's not completely supported scientifically but people who have been using gets instant relief.  2. Beneficiary for skin: ACV has many properties which are beneficial for skin related issues. It has anti-inflammatory properties and contains acetic and alpha hydroxy acid. It helps to reduce oil from skin and  treats clogged pores. Apple Cider Vinegar acts as a good exfoliater too. 3. Helps in weig

5 reason that make your skin dull

  Top 5 reasons that make your skin dull. Now adays the young generation has to face alot of difficulties to maintain a healthier skin. There are so many skin problems that makes us look untidy and dull. All problems are either inner or outer and caused unknowingly by ourselves. Let's check the 5main reason that make our skin look dull:  1. Unhealthy eating:  First and one of the most important reason behind skin related issues is unhealthy eating.  People are so busy in their daily lives that they are not able to take care of an healthy diet. They keep eating stuffs which are oily and unhealthy. Junk foods keep your taste good but make your stomach unhealthy which in turn makes your skin look dull. We all might have heard that, our skin reflects what we eat.  2. Lack of drinking water: Another important reason behind dull and non clear skin is lack of intake of fluids. Drinking enough water not only benefits your stomach but also keeps you glowing. When you intake 3-4litres of wat

5 Home Remedies to get rid of open pores

  Top 5 home remedies to cure open pores. Contents discussed below: 1. What are open pores 2.Causes of open pores 3.How to get rid of open pores What are open pores? Open pores are the result of excessive oil on our face.   Skin pores gets open when exposed to maximum heat in summer days and once they get open they start enlarging. The open pores allows dirt to get into the skin cells easily which can then be the reason behind acne, and pimples. What causes open pores? The main reasons behind open pores are:  Exposure to sun  Vapourization  Age Hormonal changes Oily skin Dirty skin How to treat open pores?  ACV- Take one teaspoon of  apple cider vinegar add equal amount of water to it. Next soak a cotton ball into it and then tap on your open pores area.  2. Egg white- Take one egg and remove the yolk from it. Now apply the egg white to the open pores area of your skin. Leave it for 20minutes and then rinse with water. 3. Multanimitti- In a bowl add a tablespoon of multanimitti and equ

Now remove dark acne spots | 5different and simple ways

  Remove Dark Acne Spots In 5 Different And Simple ways: Acne spots are now common in most of the people. The dark spots makes us look untidy. Acnes are the result of oily and dirty skin. Nowadays there are many ways to remove the dark spots such as lazer, derma ointments, and makeover. But it may cost you heavily, now there are 5 easy and simple steps which can remove the spots from your face. 1. Honey and lime:   Take a bowl and add one teaspoon of honey and then a squeeze half lemon. Mix it well and apply it on the spots or acne, leave it for 15minutes and then rinse.Honey is good exfoliater and helps to remove bacteria and dirt from your skin. Honey is a great ingredient to treat acne and acne spots. On the other side lemon is rich in vitamin C and it also helps to reduce melanin. So apply this remedy atleast twice a week. 2.Greentea ice cube: In a ice tray add some green tea leaves and freez it. Your green tea ice cubes are ready, apply it early morning after shower and leave it u

Amazing face pack remedies which make you go glow

  4 Amazing face packs that will make you go glow. Here is simple face pack remedies that you can prepare easily at home ,so let's check without wasting much time. 1. Gramflour and honey mask: Take a bowl and add 1big tablespoon of gramflour to it, next add a teaspoon of honey and turmeric and then add some raw milk.Mix it well and apply. Leave for 20min or until dry then rinse with water. Repeat twice a week. Gramflour is a natural cleanser and honey helps in exfoliating which means removing dark and dull skin cells and revealing it to new skin underneath. 2. Curd and cucumber mask: In a bowl add smashed cucumber and curd. Mix it well and apply on your face. Leave it for 20min and rinse it off. Curd contains antioxidants and also helps to lighten dark spots and sunburn. Cucumber contains caffeic , antioxidants and vitamin C which helps fast recovery of dull skin. 3. Orange peel mask: Take a tablespoon of dried or wet orange peel and add a pinch of  turmeric and one table spoon of

Remove Your whiteheads in just 5 simple steps|say bye to whiteheads

Now say bye bye to your whiteheads with 5 simple ways. What causes whiteheads? Clogged pores are one of main reasons behind appearance of whiteheads on your skin. Clogged pores may also appear because of hormonal changes which results in formation of acne. Clogged pores makes your skin more prone of acne, pimples, or abscesses. Excessive amount of sebum,or oil is realised when your pores gets clogged and hence results in formation of whiteheads. There are 4simple and easy steps and by following these steps you can reduce your whiteheads and make your skin soft & soothing. Step 1- Cleansing: first of all you need to clean all the dirt from your face with the help of any regular cleanser which suits your skin. Gently clean your skin for 5mins and then rinse. Tap dry your face. Step 2- vapourizing: after cleansing, you need to vapourize your skin either with a vapour machine or by inhaling hot water vapour or you can even wash your face with slight hot water. This step is very essenti

Top 5 secrets|easy DIY to remove your dark circles within days

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""> </script> <script>   window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];   function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments) Top 5 secret DIY to remove dark circles Dark circles makes us look older than we are, right? But now there are 5proven and easiest ways to get rid of dark circles within days.  Dark circles are the side effects of less sleep, tensed minds, stressed life and long duration workings, these problems can't be cured in days  but your dark circles can be. The 5DIYS are so simple to use. Just have a look down- 1. Cucumber gel - cucumbers are easily available at each house and it has numerous benefits out of which one is to cure dark circles. Cucumber has caffeic and antioxidants which is the secret behind beauty of skin. Cucumber juice helps skin to clear dark patches and keeps it hydrated. To make the gel you need to

6 easy homemade toner that will give your skin a natural glow

6 different  homemade easy toner for glowing skin. Toners are one of the most refreshing cosmetic product. It keeps the skin hydrated and helps the pores to shrink after cleansing. People may use various types of toners of various brands. But there are few steps by which you can prepare a toner with ingredients available in each kitchen. So let's discuss about the different toners and how to prepare it:-  1. Rice water toner -  Rice water is regarded as one of the best anti aging ingredient. It contains antioxidant and increases collagen in the skin which helps to reduce wrinkles. Now how to prepare it. Take a handful of raw rice and soak in water overnight. Sieve the rice and pour the water in a spray bottle or any container. You can store it for 30days maximum. For better results try it twice a day. 2. Orange peel toner - orange is a great content of vitamin C. It helps to increase collagen and elastin which is the secret behind glowing and healthy skin. Making orange peel toner

Rape is a major issue|sexual assaults|sexual harassments|abusiveness over women

   Rape is a dominant problem? Isn't it? What goes on your mind when you read the word rape? Does it stress you or enrage you? Does it even bother you?  Rape is a major issue and one can just try to be the voice to protest, debate , take a stand against, or create awareness. But  can anything more be done to this?  Rape cases are increasing at such higher rates  like poison spreading inside one's body. Rape is a dominant factor that is affecting the major part of the society. The future of girls ,women and beyond every limits the new born baby girls. The society is getting divided in two parts one which praises women and  brings up new amendments for women empowerment whereas on the other side there is a majority of impaired personalities[ referred as the  Rapists ] who destroys the future of the entire society.  Rape is not only the major issue for women in India but all over the world. Check the graph below to see how this poison is spreading Surprising? Yes the countries whi

Top 5 easy chair yoga poses

Top 5 chair yoga poses You just need sit on a chair to do yoga, yes it's that simple to do yoga now. Yoga should be an essential part of everyone's life. Changes in life keeps you healthy, wealthy and wise. There are 5easiest ways to do yoga and add some care to yourself with chair yoga poses. People of all age groups can do these easy poses just with the help of a chair. You need a chair and your relaxed body to do these yogas. Pose 1: Just sit on a chair with a straight back and bend downwards. This pose is very effective for people with back ache and also for senior citizens. Pose 2: sit on a chair with arms one upside another down (rotate after 20sec count )and streched to the fullest. This pose helps to reduce cramps on your arms and helps your arms muscles to relax. This yoga pose also helps to strengthen your arms for a whole day work load.  Pose 3: sit straight on a chair and join your palms then stretch it upwards along with your head. This tree pose yoga is a powerpac