Rape is a major issue|sexual assaults|sexual harassments|abusiveness over women

  Rape is a dominant problem? Isn't it?

What goes on your mind when you read the word rape? Does it stress you or enrage you? Does it even bother you? 

Rape is a major issue and one can just try to be the voice to protest, debate , take a stand against, or create awareness. But  can anything more be done to this? 

Rape cases are increasing at such higher rates  like poison spreading inside one's body.

Rape is a dominant factor that is affecting the major part of the society. The future of girls ,women and beyond every limits the new born baby girls.

The society is getting divided in two parts one which praises women and  brings up new amendments for women empowerment whereas on the other side there is a majority of impaired personalities[ referred as the Rapists ]who destroys the future of the entire society. 

Rape is not only the major issue for women in India but all over the world. Check the graph below to see how this poison is spreading

Surprising? Yes the countries which are economically stronger like pillars of cement are  not so much the same in case of women.
Not only women in India but women of other countries are too suffering because of the increasing rape cases.

Do you know the capital of India? Yes it's Delhi. 
And do you know the capital city of "Rape" that's Delhi too.

Be it colleges or schools or workplaces we all are made aware of sexual assaults but is this much enough? No, a big no, in workplaces ,schools and colleges we work together in teams for projects such as :developing the economy of the society, how pollution is dangerous,what is demonization and other social issues ,but never till date we had been ever assigned any project on the "Topic Rape"'. Is it such am useless topic? This should have been one of the most important topic to be discussed the most. Unity is power and supporting is the key to unlock the power. Everyone should together raise and support voices against rape. 
Because there are vaccine to every poisonous disease but there is no vaccine to cure the scars of  Rape and thats the major reason behind "Rape".

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