Top 5 easy chair yoga poses

Top 5 chair yoga poses

You just need sit on a chair to do yoga, yes it's that simple to do yoga now.

Yoga should be an essential part of everyone's life. Changes in life keeps you healthy, wealthy and wise.

There are 5easiest ways to do yoga and add some care to yourself with chair yoga poses. People of all age groups can do these easy poses just with the help of a chair.You need a chair and your relaxed body to do these yogas.

Pose 1:

Just sit on a chair with a straight back and bend downwards. This pose is very effective for people with back ache and also for senior citizens.

Pose 2: sit on a chair with arms one upside another down (rotate after 20sec count )and streched to the fullest. This pose helps to reduce cramps on your arms and helps your arms muscles to relax. This yoga pose also helps to strengthen your arms for a whole day work load. 
Pose 3: sit straight on a chair and join your palms then stretch it upwards along with your head. This tree pose yoga is a powerpack and serves the best for all kinds of muscle ache.
Pose 4: sit on a chair with a straight back and place your lap one above the other with toe pointed (do it in a vice versa rotation for each lap 5rotations)

Pose 5: sit on chair and keep your back straight. Then tangle your arms with one another and toes too with toe pointed. This helps to maintain the flexibility and is one of the most recommended posture for senior citizens. 
Try this super easy 5 yoga poses and stay healthy at your old age.


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